What we do
We started in 1989 from Dachshunds that were raised as indoor pets. Along the way came my own children. Teaching my children the miracle of life and responsibly of having a pet was very important. There are many challenges to raising dogs. We stay at home when there is a puppy birthing or to make sure the puppies are okay for the first 2 weeks of life. Nervous moms, afterbirth and playful puppies is more than most can handle. Since my Dachshunds were now too old for safely having babies (5 years is my limit for a mom) I started with a Hypoallergenic breed (Havanese) that was not very well known. Paid lots of money for these imports with good lineage and AKC registered. I raised them to breeding maturity of almost 2 years, and then it was time to see how the public felt about them. The response was overwhelming, and I felt this was the right direction. Soon this predominantly white dog started having lemon-colored puppies, then black, then chocolate. I knew my lineage were high quality imports, but did not know the patterns that they could produce. I kept certain select puppies for future prospects. Thus, we developed the stunning color and companions that we are known for today.
In 2019, the market changed again. Seems that every breeder started acquiring a Havanese and they did not really know what to expect with this wonderful breed or the varieties available. So, the customers got confused in their expectations and started looking for the Poodle mixture. We purchased 5 poodle puppies with good lineage to raise and chose the best temperament. No worries, the other Poodles went to family homes. Both breeds like to be around people and don’t like to be left alone too long. These are actually called a “Velcro” puppy. They will learn quickly, if the trainer will be patient. Once you have their attention, the possibilities are endless! Since the Poodle and the Havanese are both Hypoallergenic and intelligent, we thought this would be a good thing. The demand was strong and the puppies are so cute. Now, we can offer the first and second generation HavaPoo. Some have the wavier coat like the Havanese. Some have the curlier coat. ALL have stunning color variety with exceptional personalities!!
We do try to provide a personal video when we can. Usually on the weekends. Most puppies are purchased on site when you come for a visit with the puppies.
Our day starts at 6 a.m. or earlier with shut off time at midnight. Seven days a week. We are blessed to have a family of 5 that has lived on our property and shares in the chores and safe keeping of all these puppies. Everyone here is a “team” and it takes all we have to keep up. It is so worth it though! When you purchase from HavaPoo Haven, you are making precious memories with a new family friend.
From our hearts to yours since 1989,
Eric & Trina Gail